I forgot my password.
Try our "remind password" button. Then you will get your password send to your e-mail.
How can I subscribe/unsubscribe to get a newsletter?
If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter just log in to your account, than go to "MY ACCOUNT". On the left side you can see a "NEWSLETTER" option, simply click on it. Here you can see a tick box. Just check or uncheck it - then hit save. When you unsubscribe, you won't get any useful information from CraftCv.


¿La cuenta en el sitio CraftCV es gratuita?
Sí. Crear y tener una cuenta en nuestro sitio es totalmente gratuito.
¿Cómo puedo editar mi proyecto tras volver a iniciar sesión?
Los datos que rellenaste en la plantilla se guardan automáticamente en tu cuenta. No tienes que rellenar las secciones tras cada inicio de sesión y escribir de nuevo los datos. Es suficiente con que los escribas una vez, y durante todo el periodo en el tengas una cuenta esta información estará almacenada en nuestro sitio.
¿Puedo probar el Creador sin iniciar sesión?
¡Por supuesto! Aunque no tengas una cuenta en el sitio, puedes ver todas las plantillas de cartas de presentación y CV disponibles en el sitio CraftCV. Además, puedes cambiar los colores de las plantillas, las fuentes y rellenar el contenido de los formularios. Si quieres volver a la edición del documento más tarde, entonces será necesario crear una cuenta gratuita.
Are there toll-free templates available on the website?
Yes, there are such templates. After account creation, you can download CVs labeled with a blue "Free CV" mark. The said free documents are branded with our logo, which will be visible in bottom right corner of the generated document.
How can I delete my account?
You can delete your account together with provided data by yourself. All you have to do is to enter the “My account” section of your profile and confirm the account deletion. Before doing so, you should take into account the fact that you will not be able to use the same e-mail address to register on the CraftCV website in the future.


¿Cómo puedo pagar?
El sitio acepta pagos mediante el sistema PayPal. El pago del servicio es recibido en tiempo real. Gracias a esto puedes descargar el CV creado en cuanto realices el pago.
Are there any hidden payments?
Nope. We hate internet scammers and you can be sure to trust us.
I have made a payment. When is the system going to unlock my account?
Payment processing typically takes from 5 to 20 minutes. After payment verification, the system will automatically unlock the account.


¿Cuántos CV / Cartas puedo descargar en el paquete comprado?
Dentro del precio del paquete puedes generar infinidad de CV (y cartas, si compraste el paquete). Puedes cambiar las plantillas, los colores, modificar el contenido y adaptar los documentos individualmente para cada puesto.
¿Se renueva solo el paquete comprado?
En absoluto - la posibilidad de descargar CV / Cartas expira. Para poder seguir descargando documentos deberás volver a realizar el pago.
¿Qué pasa con mi documento (datos) una vez transcurrido el periodo de validez de la cuenta?
Una vez transcurrido el periodo de validez de la cuenta expira el acceso a la descarga de documentos. Tu documento solo podrá ser visualizado en la vista previa del creador. Para desbloquear la función de descarga de CV/Carta será necesario un nuevo pago por transferencia.
What are sets and what do they include?
Details relating to current prices and set types can be found at: https://craft-cv.com/en/pricing
Can I change the purchased set?
If you want to purchase a better set – you will have to pay for it (the number of available validity days in the new set will be extended by adding the remaining days left for the use of the old set to it).


What format will the generated CVs be in?
Our tool generates CVs in the PDF (A4) format. It has become a standard format for application documents that are sent to prospective employers. The use of the said format ensures that the file will look exactly the same as its template.
How can i open my generated PDF file?
To open a PDF file can be opened in Adobe Reader. It is usually already installed on computers. But if not you can download it here - http://get.adobe.com/pl/reader/
Why i can't upload my photo?
Check what format is your photo. CV builder can only read photos in JPG and PNG format.
Can I add more sections to my CV?
Yes, you can. You can add an extra section to your template. You can name it whatever you want, for example: "Training sessions" / "Certificates" / "Achievements"
Why is my CV displaying incorrectly?
Sometimes, you will have to delete few unnecessary words or change the order of information provided. We are still improving our application and do our best to ensure that all the functions work properly. If you are still not satisfied with the way your CV looks, contact us and we will surely help you!
Can my CV have more than 1 page?
We strongly recommend your CV to be no longer than 1 page. Recruiters spend only few seconds on each CV, so you should try your hardest to include all the pieces of information relevant to the position you apply for on one page. If you, however, would like to expand your CV and add yet another page to it, just click the "show the second page" option in the generator.
Can I generate other language versions of my CV within the set?
Yes, you can. Your set incorporates the option of generating an unlimited number of documents in all languages available in the creator.
Can I change the order of sections?
Would you like some sections to be higher or to be transferred to the second page? It is easy! You can freely change the position of the majority of sections in your CV. All you have to do is to grab the headline of a given section and then move it to the desired position :)
The pasted text is formatted differently from other texts. What to do?
Click the “crossed-out T” icon, which allows for the removal of text formatting. Thanks to the said action, you will make the font to be the same size and style as other chunks of text included in the CV.
Can I change the name of the “Courses and Certificates” section?
You can do so in the “Extra section“ tab. You may rename it to, for example: “Training Sessions”, “Certificates”, or “Additional information” – depending on what you want your future employer to know about you:)
Do I need to fill in all the fields?
No, you do not need to do that. You decide which sections to fill in. If you do not want a given section to be present in your CV, just click the “hide” option on it.
Can I save several versions of a CV on my account?
While choosing the Premium or Patron set, you can save up multiple versions of your document.
I have deleted a saved version of my CV. Can I restore it?
Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. Before deleting a given version of your CV/Letter, check if you truly want to remove it.
How to transfer the content of the cover letter to the next page?
1. Set your cursor in the place starting from which you would like to transfer the content.
2. Click the last icon in the “letter content” tab symbolizing a divided page.
Can I remove an image from the CV?
You can do that atany time. Choose the “Personal data” tab and click the “eye” icon…here you go!
My CV takes up more than 2 pages – what should I do?
Our CV generator allows for two A4 pages of content to be created maximally. Check if all the provided pieces of information are relevant for the position you apply for. You should limit the document to key data only. The excessive amount of words may not work in your favor. The more irrelevant pieces of information, the lower the chance that your prospective employer will read the entire CV.

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