Resume Maker news


Opublikowane 2021-11-14 przez CraftCV
Job Search vs Social Media

Did you ever considered using social media in your job seeking process? 
In 2015 this might be the main trend in the HR fields. Be sure to upgrade your job search with social media!

Opublikowane 2015-04-11 przez CraftCV
Our presentation was chosen from thousands uploaded to SlideShare!
Opublikowane 2015-03-25 przez CraftCV
Check out our newest video!

Opublikowane 2015-03-23 przez CraftCV
CraftCv is almost complete!

We worked really hard to bring you the best Resume Builder the world has ever seen! 

We tested all the functions, we designed great resume templates and we are finally ready to show it to you!

The last thing is the payment system and we are ready to go!

Special thanks for UCS POLAND for their skilled programmers and lots of patience!
Opublikowane 2015-03-11 przez CraftCV

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